Displaying items by tag: DEPA SA
Press Release: Decision on the request put forth by DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A. for review of Commitment
Subject: Decision on the request put forth by DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A. for review of the third Commitment undertaken by the company, under HCC Decision No 551/VII/2012, as amended and applicable by Decisions No. 589/2014, 596/2014, 618/2015, 631/2016 and 651/2017.
Press Release: Statement of objections on the request put forth by DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A. for review of the third Commitment undertaken by the company
Subject: Statement of objections on the request put forth by DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A. for review of the third Commitment undertaken by the company, under HCC Decision No 551/VII/2012, as amended by Decisions No. 589/2014, 596/2014, 618/2015, 631/2016 and 651/2017.
Decision 672/2018
Decision on the proposed acquisition of a) ATTIKI GAS SUPPLY Co. S.A. and b) ATTIKI NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY S.A. by the PUBLIC GAS COPORATION (DEPA).
Decision 651/2017
Decision on the acceptance by the Competition Commission of the proposal of DEPA S.A. amending the commitments adopted by Decision no. 551/2012, as amended and in force with Decisions nos. 589/2014, 596/2014, 618/2015 and 631/2016, regarding the program of distribution of natural gas quantities through electronic auctions.
Decision 635/2016
Decision on the ex-officio investigation of the General Directorate for Competition, which concerns the compliance of DEPA-Public Gas Corporation S.A. with Decision no. 551 / VII / 2012, as amended and in force.
Decision 631/2016
Acceptance by the Competition Commission of the proposal of DEPA SA amending the commitments adopted by Decision no. 551/2012, as amended and in force with Decisions nos. 589/2014, 596/2014, and 618/2015.
Decision 618/2015
Acceptance of the amendment proposed by DEPA of the commitments adopted by HCC decision 551/2012, and further amended by decisions 589/2014 and 596/2014, concerning the supply of natural gas through electronic auctions.
Decision 596/2014
Acceptance of the amendment of commitments proposed by DEPA adopted by point 14 of HCC’s decision No. 589/2014,“concerning the performance guarantee letter”.
Decision 589/2014
Continuation of the discussion in the context of monitoring the implementation of the commitments undertakenby the company DEPA SA., according to Decision No. 551 / VII / 2012 of the HCC.
Decision 551/2012
Decision on a) the complaint originally lodged to the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) and forwarded by it to the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) pursuant to its Decision No 1175/2010, by the company under the name “ALUMINIUM S.A.” (ALUMINIUM or the Complainant) against the company under the name “Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A.” (DESFA) and the company under the name “Public Gas Corporation S.A.” (DEPA), and b) the complaint lodged to the HCC by ALUMINIUM against DEPA, for the examination of the alleged infringements of Articles 101, 102 TFEU and Articles 1 and 2 of former Law 703/77 (as was applicable) and Articles 1 and 2 of the current Law 3959/2011.